Parent Resources

Online Resources & Logins for Parents
MAP - Measures of Academic Progress Assessment Overview and Information
 PowerSchool PowerSchoolParent Portal- Student/Parent Public Portal

 Glossy Blue Clock.png BHS & BMS  Conference Scheduler  - Online scheduling of parent/teacher conferences. 
 Parent University Parent University-Parent University is a FREE educational program, offered by Bethel Public Schools. 
MySchoolBucks MySchoolBucks - Online Payments for School Lunches
 Milk.png School Lunch Information- Menus, Forms, and Nutritional Information 

Iphone .png 
Events Calendars:
District, BHS, BMS, Johnson, Rockwell, Berry
School Year Calendar / School Times 
 Walk To School.png Before and After School Care - A service offered through Bethel Parks and Recreation
 Basketball Gear.png Bethel Parks and Recreation - The Parks and Recreation Department provides Bethel residents the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of active and passive activities for pre-school age through senior citizens.
 BEF Bethel Education Foundation  - The Bethel Education Foundation promotes innovation, creativity, and excellence in learning for our children and the community.


Curriculum Maps
Bethel Public School Curriculum   

The Bethel Public Schools is committed to the development and implementation of high-quality curricula for every discipline. We engage in ongoing curriculum review to ensure that the instruction that is delivered in our classrooms is grounded in the most current research-based practices and aligned to standards

Blue Family.png  Family School Partnership - The mission of the committee is to create family participation initiatives and program/s for the Bethel K-12 schools that unify organizations within the district towards the common goal of growing student achievement.
 Family ID  Family ID Login
 Nurse Icon.pngNurse Icon.png District Health Information and Forms - Student Health Assessment / Physical Forms , Student Accident Insurance, etc 
 School Based Health Care  SCHOOL BASED HEALTH CARE CHC is a private, non-profit agency with the mission of providing primary care and social services to all, particularly to those who cannot gain access to such services elsewhere.
 Back To School.png District Transportation Information-  Bus Routes, First Student Bus Company
  Parent & Family Engagement  - Information about Title I programs and the systemic supports offered in the Bethel Public Schools. 
To open the presentation, click here.
To view a screencast of the presentation, click here.
Bridges   Bridges Math Program Family Resources - Information and resources about the Bridges Program for families. 

Digital learning   Digital Learning Website - Information about digital learning in Bethel Public Schools, including: