Each student is a unique
combination of cognitive abilities, learning style, previous experience
and accomplishments, interests, motivation, emotional make up, and
coping skills. Difficulties in any of these areas or in their
relationship with the various aspects of the educational experience can
result in diminished success in school. All students have a right to be
successful, and these differences should never limit the opportunity to
achieve. School psychologists employ expertise in the areas of child
development, learning, personality dynamics, assessment strategies,
counseling, and behavior management techniques through a variety of
services in an effort to promote success in school for all students.
Typically, school psychologists are regularly involved in consultation
with parents and teachers, direct intervention with students, and
assessment of students referred by the special education planning and
placement team.
The school psychologists may be
contacted through the telephone numbers and email addresses listed below
to consult regarding individual student’s learning, school performance,
development, behavior, or emotional functioning. Students may meet
with the school psychologist in their building to discuss issues related
to their learning and school experience. Formal assessments are
conducted at the request of the planning and placement team when
students are being considered for special education services.
Certified School Psychologists:
NCSP: Nationally Certified School Psychologist
Please contact Amy Shulkin with any questions regarding School Psychological Services.
Related Links:
National Association of School Psychologists
Connecticut Association of Children and Adults with Learning Disabilities
Connecticut State Department of Education
College Board Services for Students with Disabilities