Kindergarten Placement Procedures
The Bethel Public Schools welcome you and your child to our district. Our schools work to foster a culture of excellence and achievement with committed teachers and optimized learning opportunities for all students. We must ensure that our elementary buildings have a balanced enrollment so that we can provide your child with equitable services. Our district process for placing children into kindergarten is the following:
If an incoming kindergartner has a sibling that currently attends Berry or Rockwell School, we place that student into that building.
Both Berry and Rockwell Schools provide services for students requiring specialized instruction. These students will be placed accordingly.
All other students are placed at either Berry or Rockwell alternating schools. (i.e. One student at Berry, the next student at Rockwell)
Students who attend Circle of Friends, the district’s preschool program which is housed at Berry School, are not guaranteed placement at Berry. Requests for any placements, at either Berry or Rockwell Schools, cannot be honored.
We welcome you to our district and look forward to partnering with you in your child’s education.